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Image by Gustav Gullstrand

Nature Therapy

Anker 1

Nature Therapeutical Accompaniment For Individuals and Corporations

Nature therapy (Exist) is a form of therapy based on existential psychology in which the experiential field of nature is used for therapeutic purposes. It represents an accompaniment (Greek 'therapeia') within the framework of a personal and dialogical relationship with another person, which provides a helpful context for self-knowledge and change, for development and recovery. There are many areas of application for therapeutic being in nature: among others, personal growth and development of potential, development and transition processes or promotion of mental health and resilience. Locations: in and around Kosteröarna, Strömstad, Göteborg, Oslo.

Image by Marcus Löfvenberg

Spaces for Sustainable Living

Anker 2

Creation of beautiful and sustainable living situations 

... coming soon

Image by Jana Sabeth

Potential Development

Anker 3

Accompaniment of Potential Development Processes and Their Design

The possibility for individuals and groups to develop their own potential strongly depends on the social-cultural framework conditions in the environment. The neurosciences provide sufficient indications to identify shortcomings in social structures of all kinds and to design new spaces for the successful development of potential. Approaches and areas of application: among others, Retreats, personal growth, group dynamics.

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